Avengers fanfiction team makes peter cry

Trigger Warning: This chapter describes a school shooting and its aftermath, loosely based on two shootings in recent history. In another universe, Peter Parker is made the sole successor of Stark Industries, but only after losing everything and everyone that mattered. Rated: Fiction M - English - Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 3,620 - Reviews: 6 Movies Avengers. Part 4 of the Cause of Attraction series. He’s just barely fighting against sleep when he hears Bucky’s footsteps approaching the room. He opens his mouth, words tingling on his tongue, just to sob so hard he shuts himself up. "The Avengers", Tony burst his bubble of triumph, pouring himself some juice. Sep 24, 2017 · Peter shook his head as he walked to his room. julienne. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. That's why i stand on the edge of my tower, arguing with myself on if i should jump or just walk away. It's also underage because Peter is only 15 and the rapist is 18. Natasha was relaxed on the love seat and the rest were all draped over the large leather couch together. /Spider-Man, Iron Man/Tony S. Peter burbled, reaching his tubby hands out to touch Steve's nose. *. D. He wasn't here to help with any of it. He's actually the only one who knows how to help, and Tony depends on the Capsicle to guide him through these moments of pain. Bruce was hanging by his arms against the wall. "Ow, I'm not! You're Bucky stands up, ruffling Peter’s hair before exiting the room. Once in the sub basement they stepped out to be greeted with Natasha and Sam fighting in the Gym. Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts. Protective Reasoning By: Dogstar-Black. Sam Wilson (Marvel) James "Bucky" Barnes. "Easy, Under-Roos," Tony said soothingly. May 1, 2019 · After the Snap, Peter Parker had opened his eyes to find himself in a red, hazy, completely empty place. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,089 - Reviews: 3 The look of resignated horror for the decision he was about to make is what triggered my own snap decision. When the Rogue Avengers flee, they leave behind a broken Tony. Meanwhile, Steve's having a very hard time recovering from the fact that he's so far in the future, and no Movies Avengers. When Peter is invited to a party to rebuild the Avengers' relationships post-Accords, of course he's excited about the opportunity. Pepper Potts/Tony Stark. So, if he wasn't going to be given one, he would just have to find one himself. Bruce was crouched over the coffee table scribbling over some papers, Steve May 31, 2018 · Sick Days. " Gwen said still blushing from what Peter said. With Natasha heavily pregnant, the rest of the Avengers are having to be extremely cautious around the former spy - pregnancy hormones have increased her volatility and unfortunately, everyone is bearing the brunt of it. Tony takes a deep gulp of his coffee, and it slips hot, hot down his throat. His ears still rang too loudly for him to hear, but Mr. Also, Peter is autistic. "Peter get out of here! Friday shut it down!" Peter Parker needs a dad not a Daddy (5 times the team thought Tony was Peter's sugar daddy and one time they realized he wasn't. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,737 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 9/16/2023 - Published: 8/29/2023 - id Let's wrap this up" Spider-man jumped from his position landed on his feet a few steps away from the large guy. and now, Tony was terrified that he would become his own father, hopefully Steve could help him and this situation. Tony had hit him. What happens when Tony brings him home? Trigger warning- hints of suicide. " Movies Avengers. About another 15 minutes into the movie, and Tony was out like a light. Peter was nothing short of relieved. He knows he's just more emotional than usual, but that coupled with being woken up makes all the emotions flood out. [ Peter Parker & Stark Industries / 9 ] Oct 2, 2019 · Peter was so powerful. Scott then roared loudly and then everyone charged at the Oni and at the Nogitsune. Stark's lab for his very newly real internship. They all knew Tony was feeling miserable for past three days. Or: How Peter convinced the New Avengers that he could talk to Spiders and how Peter's class found out he was the heir of Stark Industries in the stupidest way possible. " The kid sniffles, before slumping forward Just as Peter opened his mouth the cloak wrapped itself around Peter and tried to tickle him. Peter's heart began to race, the beeping of the monitor notifying the older men he was awake. Steve Rogers. Peter is forgotten. Peter never seemed to mind. The rage was clearly vibrating from his body, eyes narrowed and hands fisted. No one knows Captain America's actual name- or that he has one. Peter goes missing only to reappear at school. Michelle breathed in 'I think we should break up Peter. This fic will deal with rape and the aftermath and the recovery. And dang, did the kid make it hard. You guys remember the part when Tony insults Steve, right? This takes places afterward and Steve is sulking in his room. Bruce groaned, his voice deepening and growing louder, until it was a booming growl. Stark's hand came back bloody, and he began to speak so quickly that Peter couldn't read his lips. His immune system has other ideas. [Story written for kittkattomnomnom on tumblr] Peter said to her. The Avengers thought they knew Steve. "Peter, Tony wants to talk to you," says Rahul. Peter Parker meets the Rogue Avengers; Protective Peter Parker; Peter Parker yells at team cap; Civil War Team Iron Man; cap is mean; Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Yelling; Anger; summaries work better trust me; Summary (Post Civil War) Peter meets the Rogue Avengers. Suddenly, Iron Man punched Captain America hard enough to send him flying away from Peter. The Avengers Are Good Bros. After living with the Avengers and befriending Peter, Loki is introduced to April Fools and the whole team is in for a ride. When Steve had placed Peter in the back of the car, he got in next to him, carefully rubbing his knee. Stars flew across Peter's vision, and the teenager blinked, suddenly finding himself on the ground. , Iron Man/Tony S. It happened so fast, Peter didn't even have time to react. His beautiful baby boy, Peter Stark. He thought it might extend forever. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,559 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 168 A mistake that would cost not only him, but the team. In order to save everyone's lives, Peter is forced to give up memories - their memories of him. He doesn't fight crime or wear a cape, Peter was becoming quite the mystery! The door opened, revealing Pepper and Morgan, Morgan on her Stark Pad because Pepper had brought her along to the meeting. What he doesn't expect is for Peter to start hyperventilating and pass out, whimpering and begging to someone called Mr Benson. "Okay," he said. Tony took notice on the fact that his boy was running late, a "If you say one more thing about camping," Wanda growled, probably at Scott, "I will make your life a living hell. Everything was blurry without his glasses, but he easily recognized the man without them. Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agents of S. Peter got up gingerly, still careful of his burns on his back. But Steve watched. Tony was going to love him forever. "Because not all heroes wear capes" Peter whispered before striking the first notes of the song on his guitar. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Iron Man/Tony S. " Peter starts to cry as the light blue-ish form of Tony Stark appears. . Tony was wary of the idea at first, saying that he'd have to run it by Spider-Man first; but the boy was pretty excited with the idea of officially meeting the rest of his heroes and agreed immediately. Jan 12, 2014 · The only reasonable explanation for their seemingly cruel behavior is that Tony is not an Avenger. FebuWhump Day Six: Betrayed. In another universe, Tony Stark is hiding behind a mask of an iron-hearted man, secretly trying to pick up what is left of a disembowelled Jun 7, 2019 · He raised a shaky hand to his face, ready to wipe away the tears and man up in front of Tony Stark. The warehouse the villain had chosen was very stereotypical. Or maybe the hands were shaking. Water covered Peter's face up to his nose. Peter glanced at Tony. I'm right here. SMHC. Peter squeezes his eyes shut and buries his head harder into her neck, breathing in the scent of her. He woke slowly the bright sun in his eyes as he stretched to his fullest before finally getting up. Uncertain, the little boy held his arms out to be held. He sipped the cool beverage, tenderly and focused on the movie. Come with Peter as he navigates Spidermanning, bullies, his mental health, dysphoria, and more. The team quickly finds his fear is not unfounded and that he is indeed not an Avenger. Steve. "Pete, I'm perfectly fine. A warm, calloused hand pressed against his forehead. Between one breath to the next time seemed to slow down as Tony brought the laser down and through Peter's leg. Undoubtably the Avengers laughed, at the expense of the dumbfounded employee. Even if it meant putting the universe and the fate of them all at risk. When he asks if he's alright, all he gets is a short nod and an awkward You're not alone, a Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Clint was always the one reminding him to brush his teeth, and wash his hair, and go to bed at a reasonable hour. "Do what needs to be done," Strange told the Priest whose form shifted from an elderly priest to Loki and back again. (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) While dealing with her grief over the loss of her husband, the Reader gets a phone call from the last person she wants to talk to. As for Bruce, well Tony was trying to convince him to The man in Peter's grip went slack and Peter dropped him, watching as he fell to the floor, then turned to Mr. Mar 7, 2020 · Peter gave a startled gasp and threw his hands over his head, attempting to protect himself, releasing a painful cry and sob. "Say good-bye, Spider-Baby. Peter chuckled and turned his head to listen to the teacher. Peter took the glasses out of the case. As a result, he is left entirely alone in a world where no one knows he exists. Bruce always knew that eventually, General Ross would find him again. Not a Kid Anymore By: Freckled Angel 11. Tony yelled to his 14-year-old son as he sprinted up the stairs to his room. Tonight they were going to prove him wrong. Sorry if I used the wrong flair! Movies Avengers. E. Pepper tutted and got up and placed a blanket over Peter's body. Only the first movie has happened, and the Avengers are living together- there's only one thing off, actually. Tasha!" Movies Avengers. Asphyxiated By: Ravenclaw Black Mamba. " Wrath of the Tides. Peter awkwardly sits there, his chair angled towards the doorway, as he waits for Bucky to return. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Words: 2,437 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Published: Jan 12 - Status: Complete - id: 14317227. Sick at a Party. As the war went on, peters health only plummeted. He was dead for five years. The Avengers didn't know about Peter. The Spider By: I'mjusttryingtofindmyway. " Peter whispered when he saw Sam he cowered a bit but quickly perked up when he saw Natasha. She doesn't smell like what he remembers, and that realization makes him cry harder. 'MJ I'm sorry ok please don't do this ok I'll be alright you don't need to worry ok' Michelle looked at him with tears and sad eyes 'You don't know that, I'm sorry Peter. Once Peter was somewhat better, we all took a picture together. He hadn't known what happened until he looked to see Tony's arm sticking out towards him, and he paled as he realized. Breathe With Me By: brttny98. This fic is the first of 5 part series. Gwen couldn't help but blush. Instead, Tony grabbed Peter by the shoulders and pulled him in close. L. The One In Which Peter Gets A Group Hug By: Icylightning. However, their happiness is shattered when Tony sees Steve die in gruesome ways every day, and he's the only one aware of this haunting time loop. " "Good morning boys. One Year Later, when the Rogue Avengers are pardoned and return to the US they find a new team, they find new people and they find a new Tony Stark. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Captain America/Steve R. Peter thought the avengers never cared about him and were tolerating him only because of Tony. It Will Be Okay Cap By: HetaRussia. It's a pass for Rhodey, Pepper and Happy to make fun of him, obviously. Ha makes an attempt to sit up more, but decides to just prop his head up with one hand. Tony and Steve had adopted Peter seven months ago, and in that time he had gone from a sickly, pale baby to a healthy toddler. I. Betrayed By: rosesandribbons. May 5, 2018 · In the end, Steve and his team signed the accords, luckly. Itsy Bitsy Spider By: angeeeelatin. "Well done Peter," says Tony. He looked awful, and Ned held him up as he tried to think of what to do. And Natasha and Clint going off to who knows where with their freaky spy powers. " It took Peter a moment to realize his eyes were open and that someone was touching his face with hands so hot they stung. He woke slowly the bright Steve watched as Peter said goodbye, as Pepper held him in her arms. Sort of like a team, Earth's mightiest heroes kind of thing. Considering he was now an Avenger living in the not at all inconspicuous Stark Tower, it would probably be sooner rather than later. You scared the shit out of us, but you're fine now. As soon as Loki and Thor left, everyone dispersed. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. It extended for as far as he could see. Even the ones that weren't at Germany. In a world where the Avengers are fighting, a world which Peter is seemingly too good for, some people would want to protect Peter at all costs. Even if that means summoning the Avengers, threatening them, and Thanos stated, wacking Iron Man out of the air, and watching him go flying in satisfaction. Peter makes himself an army of Spider AIs and forgets to tell anyone. Sometimes he yearns to call out, hopes one of the heroes will hear and come save him. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Family - Black Steve sighed as he delivered another ruthless punch to the bag, causing it to break off the handle and fly across the room. It was stupid, all he did was break a few things, he didn't deserve to get hit by his own father. Steve-centric one shots. Pepper shot Tony an angry glance. There's nothing he can do to stop the tears or the way his breathing hiccups as he cries. Big Brother Peter Parker. Jan 31, 2020 · "Stay here" Peter said, looking back at Michelle and his dad before walking the rest of the way towards the field. Prank War By: Karmitara. And the world didn't care, and changed Sep 26, 2020 · Movies Avengers. "You sure you're okay?" Peter said worried. Tony gets back from Titan, and somehow, they all become a team again. Peter Parker was your average teen, except he wasn't. Feb 20, 2018 · The agent took no notice, growing annoyed when Peter didn't pull his arm back far enough. "Come on…come on, Pete. Most of the team is mid-movie when Peter stumbles in wrapped in his comforter, pale and more withdrawn than Tony has seen him in a long time. Peter eyed them all warily, obviously expecting it to be some prank for his foolish act of buying a fake ID. Tony Lives. Hands shook him. They were all stood waiting outside the door to the huge living room, still wearing their pajamas. "Hey Pete, don't cry. Tony says before Vision and Pietro join them as the doors closed. He sits in a room but then gets up to gaze out of the window. So much has changed and he wasn't here to see it. May is murdered and Peter is non verbal! After losing everything Peter thinks that he's alone in the world but the Avenger's are going to prove him wrong. " "Yes I've met them. How bad he wished to go to Tony, Steve wouldn't dare admit. Nothing could break the bond between any of them, and they’d sacrifice anything to save one another. But who would reject someone as brilliant as Peter Parker, he questions? Steve picked up Peter, making him choke down a cry and let out a grunt of pain. Tony chuckled as he watched his kid. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker. "Yeah, hey," he mumbled, hating how everyone's grins widened. Story - B. When he woke up to a subtle and arguably ignorable fluttering in his stomach, Peter thought it had been simple excitement. The fact that Peter stopped looking through the faces in the crowd to focus on his guitar calmed his nerves a little, but his hands were still shaking inside his pockets. I have to push through it, like they all would. Dec 29, 2023 · Peter goes missing only to come back with a mission to destroy the Avengers. He didn't even know what was wrong with him. Tony wiped the tears from her face with a cute little frown. "Well, Kid, you made a big mistake. Rated: Fiction K - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Every single one of the Avengers. The woman kindly met his unspoken request. If that upsets you in any way, this is not the fic for you and I don't suggest reading it. + -. Determined to break the cycle, Tony delves into the mystery that plagues their lives. "She said that May will be at peace. Peter let out a cry in fright, jumping backwards. But Steve knows they don't. "For someone who wants to be treated like a grownup, you sure can't follow orders," said Tony Stark, as he lifted his faceplate much like Antman did. Pete fingered the blue bow while Tony held his breath until Peter opened the box, a thick lump forming in his throat at Peter's soft cry, dark brown eyes filling with tears as he stared at Tony. Writing - A. Tony took him out of the situation and after a few months, Peter removed Parker from his name to get a new start. " Thanos disappeared, no longer on the planet Titan. Stark! Is…is it-" "-he, Peter. Steve laughed, pride radiating off of him like light off the sun. "Oh, come on Pep! It was just one meeting!" She held her glare, but it faltered when she noticed the Avengers standing behind Tony. Chapter 13: Superhero. Shit. Just when Tony thought he knew everything about his young protégé, another traumatic event from Peter's past comes to the surface. Steve let the thought amuse him as he was escorted to a dimly lit room. He yanked on the kid's arm, making Peter squirm in pain, which only made the man angrier. " Peter blushed pink and whined, "Tony!" He snatched the phone away and finally decided to pull away, walking away to answer back. He just didn't expect the reactions of his new teammates to be so strong. His heroic, naive, innocent and adorable little spider kid. Just let it out," he comforted the crying boy as he ran his fingers through his hair gently to calm him down. Unlike Antman, Tony's face was angry. Peter rolls his eyes as he is led by Rahul. And when everyone began to get on their knees, Steve's chest began to constrict. He can cry and he can talk to himself and go can go absolutely fucking insane and they’ll be none the wiser. The man had suggested it only a week after Peter had turned him down for a spot on the Avengers, which in Oct 9, 2019 · One very upset scientist had been desperate for the toilet and was very disturbed when they found Mjolnir sitting on top of the toilet lid in the stall. Longer the better, and I'd prefer stories that are likely to make me cry! Any pairing is fine, as long as there's lots of whump. Tony stopped tickling Peter to hand the phone over. " He pulled his mask off before Karen could reply, and sat on his bed. Tony Stark would place himself in harm's way to save someone else; to protect others and fight to make the world just that much safer. What would happen in the aftermath if T'Challa's chase for Bucky since it was him who escalated the chase? It was an unusually domestic scene for the Avengers. T. AKA Coulson's wife is mad at Nick but still looks after Phil's kids for him. I'm looking for any fics that are long and sad and feature Tony or Peter (preferably, PLEASE, with a strong bond between the two). "Tony!" Rhodey yelled in alarm. During Civil War, what would have happened if Steve convinced Bucky to surrender peacefully to the German police officers. The first was the attempted but unsuccessful shooting at Mattoon High School, Illinois in 2017. A cascading effect that burst through his whole body. "Ms. Jul 28, 2019 · 'Should what em' Peter said with fear in his voice. His eyes were glowing green in the darkness. "You're fine. He wastes no time in plonking himself down next to Tony and curling half into his thigh, half into the back of the sofa. ' Peter couldn't breath for a second it was like he forgot how to. Feb 6, 2018 · The ground rocked harder, and Bruce lost his hold, green creeping up his arm, and becoming so strong the table crumpled under his weight. Peter leaned against the wall of the elevator, fingers drumming on his leg as he waited for Friday to take him up to Mr. His mentor's head was craned sideways, practically resting on his shoulder, fast asleep. Sam drove the car and Peters cries eventually came back and Steve could do nothing but to try to comfort him. Time was up. He worked to make a difference and he had only been worried about his son. When Rain Billows Downward By: estetico. He shot out his arm to do a quick aim and shoot a large web at the villain's face. As you can see, I have the Avengers spread out before me, and I’m here to assemble the A-team. Tony Breaks By: Loki'sArmy0602. Steve starts rubbing Peters back trying to get him to calm down. (taken from the story Spider and Snake) Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. Language: English Words: 1,733 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 12 Movies Avengers. " Peter bit his lip to hide a laugh. As he turned his head, looking for a clock, his eyes settled on a figure slumped in a chair next to his bed. "I need to go and get my gauntlet back. Avengers Team & Peter Parker. Consequences For a King By: cornholio4. Loki was confused and turned to look at Stark to elaborate. There was water pooling on what he thought was the ground, ankle deep, but completely dry. Thank you. He didn't deserve to see him, speak with him after all he's done. OOO. Steve chirped as Peter trudged downstairs, rubbing his tired eyes and looking drowsily at the group of people stood grinning widely in front of him. " She kissed Tony on the lip, Peter on the cheek and smiled at Rhodes who wiped the yogurt off Peter's face. Wake up, Peter. Steve works to reactivity this. "Peter buddy it's alright, it's just Steve and Bucky, your safe here in Tony's tower, it's alright just calm down and take deep breaths, your safe here. Tony. Jun 19, 2019 · He enjoys spending time with Peter, invites him over to the Avengers compound. ---. Stark's lab. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 2,365 - Favs: 3 - Published: Dec 29, 2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14312194. "I'm supposed to be training to be an Avenger, Karen. Peter Stark lives in the Avengers Tower after being adopted by Tony Stark. - Words: 954 - Reviews: 6 Even Dead, I'm The Hero. , Loki, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,300 Power Failure By: tainted-tash. That's what it's like for me. Peter then stood with the avengers and Derek, Scott and Peter Hale. "Come on His kid. Once in Tony's lab, they find an album of video clips and voicemails of a boy called Peter Parker. The Avengers had just finished saving the world from the bag of cats they call Loki. Peter let out a cry, panicking. Avengers Team Members (Marvel) & Original Female Character (s) Tony Stark. E. Tony and Pepper were on the love seat, while Peter was stretched out across the sofa. Control By: wolfypuppypiles. " "Mother will make sure of that," Loki told him. When Tony threatens to take Peter's suit, he expects some resistance. Tony snapped his fingers in front of his son's face; 'Earth to Peter Parker-Stark! Apr 7, 2018 · Short One Shot. Tony doesn't know who that is, but if he hurt his little Spidey, then by god is Tony going Movies Avengers. "Here's what we're going to do. Random, non-canon compliant fic that's set post Civil War. When Peter is working alone in Tony's lab, he receives a distress signal from the Lang family. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. "Hey kid. Tony saves Peter By: Jaybird883. Stark who was hurrying toward him, a hand pressed to the side of Peter's head. When he reached his breaking point someone pays him a visit. Standing there, panting and bleeding from the knuckles, Steve still managed to smile to himself about knowing one thing. "Kid, it's okay. All the team adored him, even if most of them didn't express it openly. , Thor, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,142 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 890 - Follows: 508 From the Ice By: APH Teutonic Knights. He stares at the note for a minute, before slowly putting the glasses on. A monster from Peter's past emerges when the world learns about Peter's internship with Tony Stark. "It's what we call ourselves. He felt awful. "Just make sure that she's in a better place okay. Sad- kind of. Scott had been going on about an Avengers camping trip since Tony brought it up during the fight with Chad, and it was enough to drive everyone mad. This was only his second trip to the tower to work in Mr. avoiding the inevitable By: kamrynlyn23. " Mr. Tony had 4 rules, 4 goddamn rules and his stupid goddamn teammates who he stupid goddamn likes now have gone and broken Cry. Come on…wake up. And of course, Ant Man was there too. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. He was the last one to leave the classroom. A Home for Broken Heroes By: cshen. The universe refused to give Tony the child he desired for so long. It was almost Thanksgiving and there were snowflakes drifting through the air and Peter wasn't afraid. ) Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Peter P. " Aug 26, 2013 · He asked as if he won already. Title: Everyday Superhero. They were all lounging in front of the TV, barring Thor who had disappeared back to Asgard for several weeks. Tony knew Peter was starved of that kind of attention - May did her best, but there was only one of her. There was no Bruce, only Hulk. So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. Peter winced in sympathy. Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. Mature for eventual self-harm themes and death. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are in a happy relationship. Steve was going to explore how the world changed while he was frozen. Tony looked really upset. Stark, put me on speaker so the rest of the team can hear me. Peter Parker is Spiderman, Tony Stark's intern, and a trans guy. You're not alone By: Peter-is-a-bean. Tony was probably horrified by the cliché. “He definitely makes the A-team, ten out of ten, would definitely recommend. Peter searched his mind for what would cause the man to forget lab day, but his mind came up blank for anything special about December sixteenth. After finding out Peter was Spider-Man she became abusive saying being gay and so crazy mutant was too much. Jan 10, 2020 · Peter shakes his head as his body trembles with barely held back sobs. After finally moving on with his life, a new threat arises, bringing Peter back directly into the Avengers' path. The guy tried grabbing Peter at every angle but he caught him first. "Peter, please stay awake, I don't know what's happening! Movies Avengers. It will be very angsty and dark and deals with rape. Tony was four when his mother unassumingly entered the kitchen. Peter completely demolished the robot with a few moves. “Let’s start with Iron Man,” Peter says happily, carefully setting the figurine in the center of the table. or Peter Snaps. And Avengers don't take sick days, bad guys and aliens don't stop just because I'm tired. He let go of the web he was holding and curled himself into a ball in midair, his body soon hitting the ground with Like it says on the tin. 'I've always been strong, but you know that time when everything gets you down, whether is snapping a crayon or world hunger, you just can't see a way out. Can Tony save Peter from this monster? Or is it that he Aug 7, 2012 · A true honest and real hero. And that is just what he did. " There was a crackling sound, and once Peter confirmed everyone could hear him- "Language!" Steve had shouted over the phone- Peter leaned against his desk and crossed his arms. You should start worrying about yourself. James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers. Bird. The brightest spotlight ever was suddenly shining in Peter's eyes, a high pitch squealing sound assaulting his ears. Tony had sworn to himself- and to May- that he would keep Peter safe. Baby Mine, Don't You Cry By: MusicHeart08. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. H. The work load had increased causing him to snap at almost everyone in his staff, including Happy. Tony Stark Cries. " The man followed the familiar path of his ship to the teleporter, smirking evilly. It took two shots of Glucagon to get you stable enough to move. Peter, Everyone's Favourite to Protect By: thewriterstory. -Lalalalala line break-The bell rang signaling freedom. Tears were streaming down her face, and her cheeks were a blotchy red, but she wore a victorious smile. " Peter couldn't hold himself up anymore, and as soon as he'd finished vomiting, he slumped to Neds side and groaned softly, eyes closing. Hydes, we talked about the deal and if you want to make the deal work you have to follow the conditions the company sets for you, so call when you decide. Tony doesn't understand what's happening to himself, but Steve does. "Stop struggling!" He shoved on Peters back, high on his shoulders, smacking the kids face against the ground. The avengers shifted their gaze on the Ironman. And what he sees is something none would expect. It had only been a few months since the Accords had been settled, and Tony wasn't ready. Movies Avengers. His father didn't need powers to save lives or to make a difference. With a commanding flick of his eyes Rhodey's viewscreen came up in the corner of Tony's screen. Mr. And hopefully Peter would forgive him. But he was ready to storm out of the tower and find Peter if it was the last thing he did. "Mr. (Not Team Cap Friendly) - also posted under the same handle at archiveofourown -. Gosh, the world looked great. - Words: 2,672 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 815 - Follows: 293 - Published: 4/30/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 11923630 Aug 9, 2021 · "Okay," Peter sighed for the third time that morning. Everyone then began fighting and the whole fight lasted about an hour or two. In fact, the kid almost reveled in being taken care of by any of the Avengers in the compound. All the other Avengers have come together and try to fix what's left after Civil War and aren't able to respond, which leaves Peter to go and save the nine-year-old Cassie Lang all by himself. "Pay attention to class dork. Shessh, he was tall. Except it's not coffee, it's not, and Tony's in danger. bh lq wn oh tt pq xf fz et lx